We provide standalone motorsport cockpit solutions for car enthusiasts and race drivers
7x RGB shift-light LEDs, 8x RGB warning-light LEDs, on-screen alarms and other features can be configured as per your needs
Just connect power supply and serial connector from your VEMS ECU and play! No configuration or switching AIM mode in ECU needed
Switching pages, menu control and configuring the Dash7" is easy and fast by using just 5 buttons. They can be installed anywhere in the cockpit
Dash7" is ready to race in just
seconds after you turn the key ON. When OFF, it has a zero current consumption, so it never discharge your car's battery
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Want to see the fuel level, pressure, temperature or indicate turn lights, reverse gear, neutral or other signals on Dash7" ? You can use Dash7 analog and digital inputs for this purpose
Each Dash7 has automated Alarm logger (logs all alarms with values and time they occurred). There is also an optional full datalogger module which logs all data from ECU to the SD Card
V3MS Dash7" was designed with cost efficiency in mind. So you can enjoy 7" full-color, digital and configurable dashboard for a great price
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